Adventure Series: 12 Systems of the Body Workbooks
Know Yourself is dedicated to helping your kids learn more about themselves, including their body and how it functions. We believe that health literacy, being the key to a happy and healthy life, should begin early. It’s why we founded Know Yourself - with a mission to make health literacy as fundamental as the ABCs and 123s.
At the same time, we focus on making learning as fun and engaging as possible. Our huge variety of exceptionally fun and interesting books about the human body systems for kids is a testament to that.
In fact, that’s how the idea of Know Yourself originated. When our 4-year old daughter discovered a thumping in her chest, she came running to us. When she learned that it was her heartbeat, naturally she was curious to learn more, throwing a barrage of questions at us. Ranging from what her body was made of to how it worked, her imaginative mind was on the quest to know more … and more. However, when we searched for an appropriate children’s book about the human body to fulfill her natural inquisitiveness, unfortunately, we came up empty-handed.
As disappointing as that was, as parents, it helped sow the seeds for Know Yourself. Helping kids in their journey to self-discovery supports the discovery of their self-worth and their voice. As they’re filled with wonder learning about their mind, body, and how these two are connected, they gain a better understanding of themselves and what they’re made of. It’s one of the first and most important steps to self-discovery, which goes a long way in shaping their attitude towards themselves and their health.
Our Adventure Series comprising 12 systems of the body workbooks introduces each system of the human body to kids, taking them through a fun-filled and exciting journey of self-discovery.