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    Dr Bonyfide Answers Your Questions about Digestion!

    Dr Bonyfide Answers Your Questions about Digestion!

    Welcome back, Adventurers! Are you ready to digestsome knowledge? The digestive system is responsible for powering your daily activities. It does this by absorbing nutrients from your food and removing waste through excretion. The digestive system is a BIG deal - literally! If you laid an adult’s small intestine out in a straight line, it would measure around 20 feet in length.

    I have a gut feelingyou may have more questions fpor me! Remember to submit your questions using the button below or by reaching out to us via social media. I’ll always feature some of my favorite questions here!

    What’s a calorie?

    Great question, Adventurer! If you’ve ever seen a nutrition label on the back of a food package, you may have wondered what calories are exactly. A calorie is a measure of energy. In just 1 calorie (or 4.2 kilojoules) there is the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water to 1 degree Celsius. Calories on food labels help us determine just how much energy the labeled food has to offer to our bodies. While making sure we get enough calories (or energy) from the foods we eat is important, eating a balanced diet is key. A balanced diet for a growing and healthy person contains all sorts of different foods, especially all kinds of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein sources.

    Why does eating grass make my dog throw up?

    Another great question! You may have witnessed your dog grass grazing before, as dogs often do when we aren’t watching. Sometimes our dogs are just looking for a nutrient that they aren’t getting in their diet. Unfortunately, their stomachs don’t process grass as well as animals with four stomachs do - think cows! If your dog ate grass (and threw it up), he or she may have been having some problems with digestion. The grass may have helped your dog get rid of anything bad inside the stomach, expelling it from the digestive system. Hopefully, they feel much better now. However, if this does happen very often, it might be time to visit the family veterinarian!

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