We can't help but brag!
Wondering what parents like you think about our curriculum? We've done the research for you! Check out these featured reviews of our Bones of the Human Body series from homeschool bloggers Dana Vanderburg of The Art Kit and Cynthia Heren of Inside Our Normal
"Dr. Bonyfide takes a complex subject and makes it fun!"
-Dana Vanderburg of The Art Kit
"If you’re looking for a fun way to teach your children about bones, I would highly recommend Dr. Bonyfide’s books!

I especially loved that they used the words to illustrate the bones. This is absolutely genius and so perfect for visual learners! Dr.Bonyfide breaks down what you need to know into bite-sized pieces and not only make it manageable but engaging and fun."
For more, visit The Art Kit
"My 9 year old found the book before I planned to give it to him and wouldn’t put it down."
- Cynthia Heren of Inside Our Normal
"These are open and go activity books. There is no prep work involved to use them with your children: you just decide how many pages to assign for the day and hand it over and let them work.

While these books only teach the skeleton system of the body, they also provide an excellent jumping off point to discuss the related systems of the body to the different bone sets and an introduction to some basic Latin as they learn the names of each individual bone.
Kids who get fixated on special interests and enjoy anatomy will enjoy these books they are engaging and written for kids but go deeper than any other book I have seen for this audience. Parents who know what it is like to keep providing with new information in an age appropriate way will be excited to find this resource.
Kids who struggle with handwriting skills like dysgraphia will be glad to see the white space throughout the Dr. Bonyfide books. My 6th grader who still uses primary ruled paper for many assignments would be able to confidently fill out this book without getting frustrated with the writing space."
For more, visit Inside Our Normal
Special thanks to our friends at Timberdoodle!
Know Yourself. It makes you better at everything.
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Know Yourself engages young minds in understanding anatomy, physiology, and psychology. These books set a foundation for discovering how the body functions, building confidence, and making healthy decisions for yourself. Our pedagogical approach includes a variety of learning modalities, spiral curriculum design, and culturally responsive and representative content.
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