Know Yourself stormed The Grove in Los Angeles on Sunday, and what a groovy time we had! We are still recovering, but while it’s fresh in our minds, we want to give you a recap of this fantastic event.
For anyone who doesn’t know,The Grove is a fancy shmancy outdoor mall in Los Angeles, right next door to Beverly Hills. It sports an incredible collection of shops, restaurants, entertainment options–even a farmers market. It’s also a great place for kids, with lots of kid-friendly events and activities. Our goal was to add to the fun, drop some Self Literacy knowledge on as many kids as possible, and send a shout-out to parents: we know how tough it is to be (and raise) a human, and Know Yourself is here to help!

Preparations began early as we set up the Know Yourself skate ramp, hoops game, popcorn depot, yoga station, skull cornhole toss, lemonade stand, art station, and raffle. Whew! A LOT of work. Luckily, we had tons of help from Know Yourselfers from our homebase in Oakland, along with an incredible crew of local volunteers.
We officially opened for business at 2pm, which is when the crowds really started to pour in. Most popular was the skate ramp, where a constant ring of spectators watched an amazingly diverse and talented crew of skateboarders, ages 8 to 15, from LA and Oakland (courtesy of organizer KDUB Williams). Our hearts stopped as they did aerials, ollies, and other awe-inspiring moves. What a show! This young team was nothing but sensational. We invite you to follow them on Instagram: Tj_Taiyo, Quinneforreal, Mattyjessee, Meklo_Sk8, and Lil_Fink_.

Across the way, kids of all ages practiced their drawing and comic arts skills with Know Yourself’s own Director of Comics, Sam Sattin, and crackerjack artist Katie Longua. Kids learned how to draw Dr. Bonyfide and make their very own comic!
Kids got their warrior stances on at the Know Yourself yoga station, where yoginiLiz Rusnak took them through some basic poses and breathing exercises. All on gorgeous Know Yourself bone typographyyoga mats, by the way. Namaste!
Down the street, kids told us what they stand for at Shorty’s Lemonade Stand while enjoying a refreshing glass of lemonade! That Southern California sunshine was out in full force.

Finally, kids honed their eye-hand coordination at the basketball hoops and the cornhole toss. Those who visited every station and filled their Know Yourself Passport got entered in a raffle forzip hoodies and backpacks (coming soon on our site!).
All in all, it was a tremendous success. Both we and the kids had ablast, and the greater LA area is now basking in the afterglow of a Self Literacy extravaganza. We hope that will keep people thinking about the benefits of knowing themselves for years to come. Thank you, Los Angeles!

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