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    Dr. Bonyfide

    Dr. Bonyfide

    Dr. Bonyfide Presents Bones - Set of 4 creatively engages your child as they learn the skeletal structures of the human body  utilizing a variety of rhymes, activities, comics, and various other fun tools. Timberdoodle schedules Books 1-4 in the 3rd-6th grade kits.
    As Lewis Carroll famously said, "Who in the world am I? Ah, that is the great puzzle." Know Yourself Academy will take your student on an adventure into the human body as they explore:
    1. Bones of the Hand, Arm, & Shoulder
    2. Bones of the Foot, Leg, & Pelvis
    3. Bones of the Rib Cage & Spine
    4. Bones of the Head, Face & Neck
    Each book includes:
    1. Kid-Friendly Learning
    2. Fun-Filled Boneology Lessons
    3. Rhymes, Puzzles, & Games
    4. Certificate of Completion

    Book One includes X-Ray Vision Glasses that will be used in the first 2 books. 


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