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    Dr. Bonyfide Presents Bones... Review

    Dr. Bonyfide Presents Bones... Review

    We've had a crazy past few months and so it was difficult to actually get any work done. We evacuated from home due to wildfires in So California, but our home and community was safe. My husband's father has had medical trauma and has been hospitalized. So many things going on lately, but that's the beauty of homeschooling... You can school when and how you need to on an alternate, hectic schedule. But, when we actually had time and sat down to work through the first book, it was so fun.

    Mr A is 7. He can't read on his own or really write sentences yet. Basically, we're lacking in the language arts department. So, I had to sit down with him and read through the book with him. (If your child is self-sufficient in reading and writing, these would be great for individual work time.)


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