Know Yourself is getting to know itself better (pun intended)! Last week we reached a very important milestone in our journey. After months of product testing and refinement, focus groups, expert content reviews, and winning awards, we arrived at what we believe is a wonderful addition to your children’s educational journey: our newly refreshed Know Yourself Adventure Series! It is a monthly journey of self-discovery, in which your child learns a new system of their body every month, through fun games and activities the entire family can share.
There is something even more exciting than revamping our products and that is shipping them to our customers. This milestone is something our team is very proud of having accomplished. We are happy to report that the first boxes have shipped and will be reaching their destinations this week.
If you haven’t done so already, please take a moment to read about our educational philosophy and the Know Yourself mission. In this post, Tim Howes, one of our founders, explains why self-literacy is the key to your child’s happiness, giving you a window into what drives our mission.
Thank you to all the parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents who bought Know Yourself educational monthly adventures for the children in their lives. We were excited to see the overwhelming response from moms and dads who are thinking about how to help their children know themselves better and to empower them by giving them the tools they need to master Self Literacy.
We are working diligently on new offers and new content that we are eager to share with you in the coming weeks. Be on the lookout for additional material to accompany the monthly educational adventures as well.
Stay tuned, and if you want to hear the latest from Know Yourself please subscribe to our newsletter.
Thank you for all your support!
The post Know Yourself Adventures Are Shipping! appeared first on Know Yourself.
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