The 2016 Oakland Running Festival was an amazing feat! We had a wonderful time handing water out station #14 with our friends at the Oakland Parks and Rec Department. Nearly ten thousand people gathered at Snow Park for this year’s festival, and we were happy to support our fellow Oaklanders as they sprinted toward the finish line.
In an article published by the San Jose Mercury News, Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf said. “The runners love this run because they get to experience different parts of Oakland–incredible vistas and architecture, and great neighborhood spirit. You can’t beat it.”
After the marathon, we joined PLAE Shoes at their “Art of PLAE” event at Impact Hub Oakland. Bay Area artist Oliver Black, who has roots in skateboarding, local graffiti and street art, partnered with PLAE to release a new series of super cool kids shoes. We were there to teach little learners and their parents the 26 bones of the foot! Highlights included meeting Plae’s podiatrist Dr. Mark, and using Dr. Bonyfide’s x-ray glasses to discover the cuboid, talus, phalanges, and more!
To pick up a pair of Oliver Black’s plae-ful kicks, visit goplae.com. And for more TOE-tally awesome foot facts, check out Dr. Bonyfide Presents: Bones of the Foot, Leg, and Pelvis or download this free coloring sheet designed by our community ambassador, Keith “K-Dub” Williams.
Click to download from our free resources Free children's anatomy coloring pages.
Fun was definitely afoot this year, and we can’t wait until our next community event! Want to know where we’ll be? Follow us on social media (@knowyourselfoak) or subscribe to our newsletter for updates.
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