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    Know Yourself Blog

    It’s the perfect way to teach [kids] about their senses while also learning about world and all the amazing places it has to offer. I’m a huge fan of any subscription box that encourages kids to get out of the house and away from the electronics. I look forward to...

    This box is really a fun box to do with some older children. I do not have kids but I know when I was the age for this box I would have been all over this. I love learning through activities and projects. Nicole K. Should I Buy This Box Awesome! Nicole K. of Should I...

    As far as quality everything is great. We love their printed materials and the comic book is amazing! […] They’ve put a lot of time and effort into the characters and story in this series. Which is what is going to really make kids gain interest in the...

    The Know Yourself Adventure Series takes your child on a monthly voyage through time and uses historical figures to teach them important lessons about how the body works. Our first box helped us learn more about our five senses in Greece by Aristotle himself! We...

    It is seldom that fun and learning are joined together such that everything is fun. This workbook is [an example of exactly that]. It will teach your children all the names of the bones via rhymes, puzzles and jokes....

    Do you have a child that loves to learn? How about a child who is interested in adventures or wants to be a doctor when he/she grows up? You have to visit Missy T. Mom Blog Society Missy T.’s 11 year old son LOVED Books 1 and 2 in the...

    This is an educational gift you can give kids that will last all year long. My daughter’s eyes light up when she knows she has a package just for her full of new stuff for her to learn. She is eager to read every word in the kit as well as follow every single...

    [The Know Yourself Adventure series] encourages children to learn about themselves and their bodies in a fun, engaging way. They clearly put a lot of thought and hard work into creating all of the original content, which is a huge plus. Wendy R. 2 Little Rosebuds Mom...

    We had so much fun exploring the first Know Yourself box. I love how engaging and varied the experiences are and great for kids of all ages […] I love the idea of this subscription box as a holiday gift. It makes something fun for kids to look forward to and a...

    The comic and the artwork/content are both fantastic. I loved reading as a kid and actually didn’t read a lot of comics, but if your kid doesn’t love reading, an educational comic might help to pique his/her interest! This could be the start of something beautiful....

    The kids could not contain themselves when the box arrived, they were anxious to get their hands on everything, which is totally acceptable for this box! Along with supplies we needed to learn about the five senses were many extra fun reading materials. My son was...

    Everything in the box was very good quality […] The Know Yourself team did a great job by coupling beautifully crafted visual content with uplifting and engaging storytelling to help kids learn about their bodies from the inside out. Lisa Girl Meets Box We’re...